New Vehicle Data
We capture every new vehicle, every manufacturer and comprehensive vehicle description data. Need to plug this information into a bespoke system? No problem. Our MTP new prices files are already used extensively throughout the insurance and finance industries.
Used Vehicle Data
Our researchers and editors comb through thousands of valuations every year to ensure our data remains accurate. If you are a motor dealer, the likelihood is that your expertise has been called on by Pat, Aidan, or Gillian at some point. Would you accept a valuation from a sales person who said they “looked a few up online”? We think you deserve better than that. That is why we travel throughout the country speaking with dealers of all brands to ensure that we obtain the real selling price of vehicles.
Future Value Forecasting
Being aware of the ever growing demands on businesses to access up to the minute market information, offer compliance within necessary regulatory requirements and meet the challenges of a competitive market environment, MTPSS (Motor Trade Publishers Specialist Services) now provides independent specialist assistance. Contact Pat Timmons on for further details.

Extensive Market Coverage

Comprehensive Analyses

Vehicle Values & Reports

Distributor Price Lists